Anonymous ID: b1de74 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.2842531   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2537


What comes next is cleaning up after the mess. If you've claimed victory over the battlefield, would you leave the corpses scattered and the cannons to rust in your freshly claimed field? Removing the pockets of control, reverting the damage to the lands, cleaning the water, the air, the food. Allowing your fellow humans to eat and be healthy- cognizance included. Breakdown the brainwashing, re-install critical cognitive thinking abilities. Then, we can move on to the grandiose shit, like the Tesla tech that'd been squirreled away over the last century, as well as the advancements in space technology..

But those things, the advances in technology undo space, will instill themselves only once a level of understanding is reached- one of how close we were to ultimate slavery, of how much we were dumbed down with food poisons like glyphosphates, water poisons like fluorides, and mind poisons like hollywood. Because those technologies will bring us a LOT closer to God, in the sense of control over our physical realm. And to have that sort of control, we MUST be able to handle restraint and respect for the common man. Technology that would allow a wider range of humanity access to technology based on something as simple to understand as frequency and harmonics. Think opera singer shattering the wine glass. Resonant frequencies, as an open source understanding, is a powerful tool. Could this technology still be considered part of the 60% hidden upon which Q expounds? At the current time, it's possibleโ€ฆ

Of course, having the ability to also go back and understand our true history, or as close as we can get to it, with all the hidden connections unveiled, is as much of import as looking to the future. The whole paradigm of human understanding will be in scrutiny, and must be, as a collective, in order to reach a greater understanding, even with America at the helm of this water-encrusted rock covered with Sovereign states each seeking their own destinies.