Anonymous ID: ef3e05 Sept. 1, 2018, 9:47 p.m. No.2842378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2413 >>2463



Translation of first Clown Tweet: "We are here to let you know that there are spies among you. Spies provide information about America ('their country') in order to destroy America.


Translation of second Clown Tweet: "There is no myth; this is a lame attempt at a mind fuck. You have no idea how many of us are among you. We could be in any company no matter how big or small.


Translation of third Clown Tweet: "You should be very paranoid and fearful now. By the way, anyone you work with could be one of us."


Real message: "We are a bunch of little coward faggots that think we are tough, but now we are peeing ourselves thinking we might be executed, imprisoned, or worse. So we want to make you paranoid with our faggy tweets. See, we are pussies, so we can't imagine anyone possesses courage; we think it is a myth. So we think you are gonna be scared by our tweets. We, like all psychopaths are purely self-centered and see others as tools or objects. We therefore don't believe that you will gladly sacrifice yourself and what's yours for an ideal greater than yourself. That too is a myth."

Anonymous ID: ef3e05 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:58 p.m. No.2842846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2870



The Founding Fathers (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc.) never dreamed that free people would allow government involvement in education.


If we are to win the war, education must be completely privatized. Anyone should be able to start a school with no red tape and no government competition.


Only then will the cream rise to the top and standards raised. The greatest teachers are now systematically excluded because they don't carry the agenda's water.


The coming generations need Superior Reading Comprehension, Basic Formal Logic, and Critical Thinking. The ridiculous MSM will never survive the majority of the population being able to think and communicate well.