Anonymous ID: fa94c3 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:45 p.m. No.2842769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2793

Are so called "white witches" actually good?


Well, first let me say that I am glad that "white" witches don't actually

want to kill me or destroy me (christian) like the black witches do.

However, I must respectfully remind people that the Bible says that ALL witchcraft

and astrologists are of the devil. These people may think they are doing good

(and maybe they are) but they are quite unaware that satan has his

hooks into them as well. Thus, spiritually speaking, will they not endure

the same eternal punishment as the black withches, but for different reasons?

When we therefore say black hats and white hats I hope the underlying

meaning is not "white witches."

I'm a Trump supporter and Q followers, yet I do so not without caution.

The biggest I say this is because I heard Mr. Trump give an interview where he said that he

has not asked God to forgive him.

This concerns me greatly. I hope things have changed for him in this regaurd.

I really like him (on the surface of what I know) and would like to see him in heaven.

I think he'd be fun to talk with.

But the reality is I don't know for certain that he has repented and asked Christ to forive him.

The possibility still exists then (no matter how small) that Mr. Trump may have a few surprises for us.

He is very powerful and growing more powerful, it seems, every day (over the enemy).

With so much power and determination I sure hope he is a true Christian man.

One that truly understands that we are alll sinners and are all in need of forgiveness.

This means we all need to ask for God's mercy through salvation, which requires God to forgive us.

All we need do is ask?

Praying for you Mr. Trump, my president and yours.

Anonymous ID: fa94c3 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:51 p.m. No.2842813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2825 >>2894


Wizardry came to man through the fallen angels. They once walked among us openly.

They are commonly known as nephelum. The book of Enoch is great source

of information about this era.

They taught man things that were not inteded to know, disobeying God.