Comfy Baker TY
wow…how many cows had to die so that 'cow' could stomp down that bridal runner?
Oh!…that is so NO!
The 911 passengers…all of them, if you think about it, would not need to be disposed of…if they all worked for you….
that mofo is fugging evil…plain evil
ya…going with poppy…gotta get him before he kicks the proverbial bucket. Not looking too good lately. Natural causes…that would be a waste. Qteam are not wasteful.
1 can hope.
Chelsey was and is complicit in the fraud of the CF. That alone makes her an accessory to the crimes committed. She knew what was going on and it is verified in WL emails.
Chelsey has troubles.
Jack the ripper was of the English royal house…possible they think the crown prince himself.
so ya.
they are trained to do so. Hispanics love pit bulls and German shepherds.