Anonymous ID: 12761c Sept. 2, 2018, 12:12 a.m. No.2843255   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3549 >>3722


"Information is most dangerous weapon of all"


some of many links included in document to dig


  • A CIA Trojan Horse - The National Endowment for Democracy

  • Archive TC - Main File

  • Area 51 - Main File

  • Are Conspiracy Theorists Nuts? - In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists"

  • A Timeline of CIA Atrocities

  • Bomb School

  • China U.S. Trade Imbalance - Bad Policy or Payback for CIA Use of Stolen WWII Gold?

  • CIA and The Culture of Corruption

  • CIA and The Drug Business

  • CIA can Geo-locate Your Computer by

Listening to Wi-Fi Signals

  • CIA Controls Mass Media like The NY Times,

Time Magazine and Much More

  • CIA Co-Sponsoring Geoengineering Study to

Look at Reversing Global Warming Options

  • CIA Director - from "George Bush - The

Unauthorized Biography"

  • CIA/FBI/DOJ Plot to Overthrow the President

of the United States

  • 'CIA Fingerprints' All Over Kiev Massacre -

Oliver Stone

  • CIA - from "The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012"

  • CIA Gets in Your Face(Book)

  • CIA, Governmental and Scholarship Programming - from "Breaking the Chain - Breaking Free Of Cult…

  • CIA Home Invasion - Smart TVs and The 'Internet of Things'

  • CIA Investing in Research Aimed at Modifying The Earth’s Climate for Unknown Reasons

  • CIA - "It's Well Hidden"

Anonymous ID: 12761c Sept. 2, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.2843309   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Foreword xi

Acknowledgements xiv

Acronyms xviii

Introduction 1

1 A terrorist attack in Italy 3

2 A scandal shocks Western Europe 15

3 The silence of NATO, CIA and MI6 25

4 The secret war in Great Britain 38

5 The secret war in the United States 51

6 The secret war in Italy 63

7 The secret war in France 84

8 The secret war in Spain 103

9 The secret war in Portugal 114

10 The secret war in Belgium 125

11 The secret war in the Netherlands 148

12 The secret war in Luxemburg 165


13 The secret war in Denmark 168

14 The secret war in Norway 176

15 The secret war in Germany 189

16 The secret war in Greece 212

17 The secret war in Turkey 224

Conclusion 245

Anonymous ID: 12761c Sept. 2, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.2843405   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3459

The Clinton Body Count: Is a Serial Criminal About to Become First Female U.S. President?


Who is Hillary Clinton, Really?

Hillary Clinton is a coldhearted, serial liar, and a high-up member of the Illuminati working to implement the NWO (New World Order). With her long list of crimes and skeletons in the closet, the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign will undoubtedly do everything they can to suppress these skeletons, but certain facts are clear.


A Brief Recap of the Clintons’ Criminal Past

Both the video embedded below (“The Clinton Murders”) and The Clinton Chronicles: Bill and Hillary Clinton Exposed offer a good recap of the Clinton’s criminal history. The fact that they are still around after being associated with so many deaths and scandals is a tribute to their power and ruthlessness, to the fact they have very rich backers, and to the fact that the American public is under a shocking spell of amnesia.


VIDEO :28 seconds

Hillary admits the CFR gives the orders

However, her list of betrayals, lies and crimes goes far beyond that. listed below