Anonymous ID: b7b8b5 Sept. 2, 2018, 2:07 a.m. No.2843618   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3628

If President Trump posted #2053 and not "Q" at Sep 1 2018 11:42:01 (EST), then is it conceivable President Trump may be ID: 7ffac1 on thread #3580.


If so does this mean maybe HRC = Q?


â–¶Anonymous 09/01/18 (Sat) 11:57:14 7ffac1 (23) No.2833027


If we believe Q is in control of the MSM. What is the mirror of NoName? There must be a positive synchronicity to the coverage which is more truthful than the status quo 'paradigm'


â–¶Anonymous 09/01/18 (Sat) 11:57:38 f56020 (1) No.2833035>>2833058


Alice = HRC = Q


Perhaps "Alice" is a title, a roleplaying name for cabal initiation/degeneracy. Q may be a former cabal member who turned on them and provided insider intel for the white hats. Both HRC and Q have been "Alice" before.


â–¶Anonymous 09/01/18 (Sat) 12:00:00 7ffac1 (23) No.2833058




Q was a cabal recruited slave who tricked them and turned on them. Q and HRC are simultaneously alice. Competing 'fields'

Anonymous ID: b7b8b5 Sept. 2, 2018, 2:54 a.m. No.2843750   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3760

I really think the baker missed some real important notables this morning... #3580 It looks like Q was doing a brief Q and A or I could be an awful lurker for the last 7 months and still don't get it.


>>2832301 Universities tracking DNA... University of Oregon..

>>2832305 California Fires miraculously 100% Contained after clown satellite taken down...... Inscom reports .....


>>2832350 President Trump College background

>>2832431 Question to Q about looking glass.....

>>2832430 "No-Name is not dead. Follow his Wife"....

>>2832481 Question for Q from Canada Dude... NAFTA

>>2832537 Q on Canada coming to the table late....

>>2832539 Q answering another NoName Question "there is always a mirror"

>>2832658 Alice is a victim and a handler







>>2832974 algorithm identifies outliers in a spiderweb...
