Anonymous ID: 457d61 Sept. 2, 2018, 4 a.m. No.2843903   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah, I see your angle… I thought the same thing earlier, right away!! This indirectly confirms A LOT of some of the wilder claims that I've made… I'm new around here, but I've been a conspiracy buff most of my life… My areas of study range from Space, Alternate History, Religion, Science, Technology & more!! You know that line about Fantasy Land?? I can confirm… We've been lied to >>A LOT!!


I know about families, but I'm not here to talk about them this morning… I can spill the beans on a few things if anyone likes… Symbolism?? Archetypes?? History?? Space?? All the above?? I tried explaining a bit to the day shift, but a few responses made me want to go back to twitter >: / not everyone is awaked yet \ :< Any who, I don't want to babble about things that annoy anyone, but if there's anything that interests, LMK and perhaps I can shed some light…

Anonymous ID: 457d61 Sept. 2, 2018, 4:11 a.m. No.2843935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3943 >>3949


It's totally one of the last remaining monarchies in the world, too… The word "Monarch" is derived from the Greek word "Archon", meaning ruler… These are the concepts we must over come… The very thought that we need a ruler or laws, rather than just teaching people how to be Good and Prosper as a whole… I could link up some rejected scriptures, too, if needed… The talk about the Archons in the Gospel of Phillip…

Anonymous ID: 457d61 Sept. 2, 2018, 5 a.m. No.2844085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4205




I got your back… Already dug DEEEEEEP on this one… You want to know?? Peep :) So, satan, refers to the planet, Saturn, as does Moloch, El, Baal, Kronos, Sheemesh, like a ridiculously long list… Totally not a coincidence!! Question is why??


Myths and Legends… How well do you know your Bible?? What was happening at the time?? Why was that stuff happening?? Very important questions to ask yourself along the way… WHY is there such a disconnect?? What is the meaning behind the symbols?? The story gets much deeper…


As legends go… Saturn used to hold the prominent position in the sky… Later it is also linked with the north pole… as in Santa Claus… No friggin BS on this… What was the Sabbath?? Satur-day>>Saturn's day… See the pattern… So who did the Romans worship?? Actually, they worshiped Jupiter if you follow the meanings… This is after a war in Heaven between Saturn & Jupiter…. What are Celestial mechanics?? How bad is science at explaining things?? What is a void?? This is very relevant to what Q posted today about how the clowns were operating in fields like space, science, religion, history, etc…


I have a lot to explain to everyone… This is going to take some time… You are going to have to be willing to forget A LOT of what you think you know to be true in order to advance… If you like their story better… stay asleep!! I'm only here to help those who are ready to take the next step…

Anonymous ID: 457d61 Sept. 2, 2018, 5:17 a.m. No.2844161   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So many out there doing amazing work!! While I agree with those names mentioned, there's people on other platforms way ahead of others… Even with P, it's been debated here before it was accepted, but Anons on twitter had that up back in june and fully covered!! Plus, it's just a massive think tank when you start reading responses… I'm new around these parts, but there are several times where one platform gets way ahead of the other… I'm not here to promote or discredit anyone's work… It's just beautiful to watch everyone working together trying to help each other!! It's so much work trying to stay current with all the constant decoding and digging and discovering and processing and spreading… It would be impossible to do this alone… It truly takes a team!!

Anonymous ID: 457d61 Sept. 2, 2018, 5:50 a.m. No.2844322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4353


Sweeeeeet!! Okay, aside from their many references to Saturn and the Black Cube and all that noise, another huge question to ask is :? Why were people sacrificing their kids to this sky being?? Everything has meaning… The symbol of the "Bull" god was in reference to a SKY EVENT!!


The deeper you go the more you know… This also pertains to the "Eye in the Sky" and literally, soooooo much more, it's ridiculous… They've hid the true meaning of these things, along with the proper ways of understanding, due to the massive influence in authoritative positions… Not to mention, all research needs funding, and I really don't think I need to repeat who controls that aspect…


I have to go over this in steps because it overwhelms my mind trying to think of where to begin needing so many directions to explain… I'm trying to stick to the space aspect of things, but I should probably just say look into the Electric (or Plasma) universe Theories where they explain how the Electromagnetic force is the primary force in the Universe… (((they))) made the other ones up, to discredit "the ONE"… Gravity is a result of EM space force, as is nuclear both strong and weak… As in what is electromagnetic radiation?? The story they've spoon fed us is to confuse and make ignorant… (((they))) want us to feel like we can't understand it… Now-a-days, since space has turned to alternate dimesions and what-not, they want us to feel like nobody understands this "mystery" and we all fantasize about knowing "what is"… All the while "the cult of science" assures you that they KNOW what happened "In the beginning…"


I could fill up boards on this… I'm not too sure what I should focus on, there's so much…

Anonymous ID: 457d61 Sept. 2, 2018, 6:18 a.m. No.2844516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4541


Just wanted to sprinkle a little more into the mix, before I step out for a sec… The mystery of the Eye… This tells a story when you look at the symbolism… Why the association with the serpent?? There is something called a Birkeland current… This is a plasma current that flows from the sun to the Earth, like a cosmic tether, and other planets as well… Plasma is the fourth state of matter… Very fascinating stuff… When you understand that electricity is simply a flow of electrons, and ions are charged particles and so on and so forth, you begin to see that so much makes sense, and Tesla was definitely NOT crazy…


Anyway, this also gets into other stuff and like I said it is hard to focus… Study the symbols, look at the meaning.. There's a lot about Sirius, too, especially with the Masons… I don't think they are all bad… most have no clue about what their own symbols mean, but they are preserving ancient knowledge that dates back to the times when Sirius was the main star in our sky… hence… Saturn was cast out of Heaven… Story make more sense?? Keep digging!! I'll stick around and hop on the next bread, but I need a quick break…