Anonymous ID: 4aa0c1 Sept. 2, 2018, 6:21 a.m. No.2844532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4550


Baer is an interesting character and it's tough to figure out where he stands. Seen interviews with him saying the plant(s) in Trump's campaign is no big deal (clown behavior). I've seen his shows on Hitler (in which he appropriates or at least comes to the same conclusions as researchers did two decades ago) in re Hitler escaping to South America, and his Oswald show that fizzled out. He doesn't believe Hitler died in the Fuhrer Bunker, actually investigates Hitler's death and reports of sightings in South America based on evidence, concludes Hitler and Bormann (among others) died in South America. That's…how it's done. Seems like he's interested in the truth, right? But then his Oswald show tries to cover clown ass by blaming the Soviets and Cubans.