Anonymous ID: 79a7cc What Exactly Ignited The Plan? Sept. 2, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.2844472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4478 >>4481 >>4492 >>4494 >>4540

So the Q Plan took 3 years to create.

Q Drops began at end of October 2017.

Creation of Plan must have begun 2014.

Deep State corruption including child trafficking & sacrificial murder has been going on for a very, very long time.

Q Team has known about Deep State corruption and its horrors for a long time.

I wonder what triggered the Plan?

Was there a particular straw that broke the camel's back?

I wonder if one of the Team was affected personally by some sort of heinous crime against a child?

When did the "this has got be stopped" moment happen?

The Plan is hellaciously ambitious. And yet, "these people are STUPID", and so it is definitely do-able.

To design The Plan I envision specialists in constitutional Law, IT, and something to do with sociology, Psychology, and Philosophy.

The idea to disseminate the info via 4chan/8chan and let the ripples turn into waves: sheer genius.

But what the hell was the trigger?

What tipped the table over?

What ignited the transformation from simple feelings of vengeance and a thirst for justice into actual ACTION [PLAN]?