Anonymous ID: b0b64f Sept. 2, 2018, 3:20 a.m. No.2843813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3818

To me a beautiful woman with attractive features, but who is spiteful and conceited, is unattractive. Conversely, a woman with average looks but who possesses a positive disposition and charming spirit, defines beauty.


Though as a general rule I find conservative women to be attractive, after her mean and spiteful eulogy, I am only able to see Meghan McCain as a conceited and spiteful woman of average means…and by 'beauty' I mean a defining attribute of character rather than simply one's outwardly appearance.

Anonymous ID: b0b64f Sept. 2, 2018, 4:01 a.m. No.2843908   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sorry for the belated reply (crisis call):


Very well said anon. I wholeheartedly agree. Per your post, in many ways I feel only pity for the children of the cabal. I am also the last person who should be throwing judgmental statements around…most of my life I have been on the receiving end.


To me though the flip side is this. People/adults have to break the cycle of abuse. I realize it's easier said than done. However, after fair notice people have to take account. I have personal experience with having to be around vindictiveness and narcissism. To me the attacks on President Trump go far beyond criticism of him…it has become criticism of a large portion of our society. There was never a more difficult period than during Obama's term(s)…which says a lot after all the hatred of Bush…the patriot act etc. For the most part the country respected the office and preserved a level of decency. Noname's funeral brings in stark relief the level of rot the cabal has caused. People have to set aside their selfish desires and try to uplift the country. Those that are unwilling can no longer pretend they are. Thanks again for the thoughtful reply anon. Best to you and yours.