Anonymous ID: 03733d Sept. 2, 2018, 7:18 a.m. No.2844884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5088 >>5127 >>5244 >>5273

iranian foreign relations minster Zarif admits, we had very good contacts with Soros "open society"


(Use google translate for farsi language)


>The Open Society Group or Soros Institute, before I became Iran's permanent representative, was co-operating with Iran. In my time, this cooperation was limited, regular and customary, and I am proud of this action that I have taken.


>Mr. Zarif defended the relationship with the staff of the Open Society Foundation, affiliated with George Soros, an American investor, and said that through this relationship he was able to "restrict and regulate" the activities of this foundation in Iran


Very notable imo.