Anonymous ID: 728610 Sept. 2, 2018, 7:45 a.m. No.2845087   🗄️.is 🔗kun


White Rabbits -

The corrupt side of military industrial complex which has been

  • selling out America,

  • engaging in illegal arms, drug, and human trafficking,

  • enriching themselves through fraudulent contracting, kickbacks, pay for access, promotion for silence and compliance, and

  • don't have humanity’s, much less America's best interest in mind.


All of the sycophants to Hillary (aka Alice) (and others in position of power or influence) (ie bad boss) who are willing to massage the bad boss’s ego, do the bad boss’s dirty deeds, ignore bad boss’s corruptions (non-secure email server), but oddly enough in some instances (HUMA, TORREY) are pulling the boss’s strings.


All of the elected officials, members of the SES, and others in position of power and respect who abuse their power and enable and benefit from the corruption.


Patriots -

All of the good, honest, competent, hardworking part of the necessary military industrial complex who serve to protect and preserve this great nation against all threats both foreign and domestic.


All of those who want to work an honest day's work for an honest day's wages and be part of a effort which is working toward making the world a better place to live doing something they are passionate about.


Good vs Evil

Honesty vs Lies and Deception


MAGA. Trust the Plan. Godspeed CIC, Q, Sessions, Huber, whistleblowers and all world patriots part of this great awakening.


Hoping for as much full disclosure as possible on 9/11, Kennedy assassination and other terrific abuses of power both in action and coverup which have lead America down this dark path in history.