Anonymous ID: af43c1 Sept. 2, 2018, 7:06 a.m. No.2844818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4827 >>4835 >>4839 >>5000 >>5127 >>5273

politico article about people who emailed HRC on her private server.

Also includes emails from those people.


There are names here I have/had not heard of, one of which is Marty Torrey.


Marty says he went to school with Bill O'REilly, so I suppose that is a possible place to dig.


Burns Strider


Jim Steinberg, Bill Burns


Brooke Shearer, former Clinton aide and wife of Strobe Talbott


Tom Shannon


Nancy Parrish, human rights activist


Bill Owens, Chairman, AEA Holdings Asia


Kevin O’Keefe


Jacqueline Newmyer, President, Long Term Strategy Group


Lissa Muscatine, Daniel Baer


Barbara Mikulski -senator


Tamera Luzzatto, Clinton’s Senate chief of staff, now at Pew Charitable Trusts

Capricia Marshall



Strobe Talbott


Richard Verma, State Dept. official


Melanne Verveer

Anonymous ID: af43c1 Sept. 2, 2018, 7:10 a.m. No.2844839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4895 >>5127 >>5273


Jack Lew

Jill Iscol, educator and activist

Doug Hattaway

Brian Greenspun

Scott Gration

Jeff Feltman and Harold Koh

Betsy Ebeling, Clinton’s childhood best friend

Terry Duffy, executive chairman, CME Group



The article has emails from others to that are more known, .


But there are people that politico are calling attention to so they must be important in politics and may be worth more digs.