Anonymous ID: d209ea Sept. 2, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.2844935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4991


Personal working theory:

If white rabbits are lures (another anon's theory from, like, 8 hours ago), the white rabbits that come to mind are

  1. The Clintons

  2. Children


I think the Clintons are both puppets. They are used by something/someone much higher on the chain. The McCain connection to them vis a vis their respective foundations mentioned in a recent Q "drop" was interesting and I haven't spent too much time on it. So, sorry about that.

I think the children are lures for various reasons. Alex Podesta's art is potentially informative if you can use a neutral eye to look at it. There is one piece shown in the recent "drops" that is, I thiiiink, called "The Scientists" and is two big bunnies studying a smaller bunny. For whatever reason, it caught my attention.


So, anyway - like I said: Working theory.

Anonymous ID: d209ea Sept. 2, 2018, 8:01 a.m. No.2845198   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Specific to THE white rabbit (because I'm still thinking on everything else) - have we done much of a dig on Robert Byrd?

I don't believe people are born evil or accepting of evil, YET:

Somewhere along the way both WJC and HRC seem to have become, well, um, evil.

Along that line of thought: If you've read through the Clinton emails, Podesta emails, etc., has it ever struck you as strange that Hillary does not seem to have an actual voice?

Also along the same line of thought: WJC doesn't have a voice, either. (Doug Band has a voice, interestingly enough. Would it not absolutely piss you off it your ASSISTANT were essentially running the show? Omg.)

Hm. So, Teneo comes to mind, since both Abedin and Band worked for them.