Anonymous ID: f2f08b Sept. 2, 2018, 6:25 a.m. No.2844560   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Abbas: Trump offered us peace plan based on confederation with Jordan

"I want a three-party confederation with Jordan and Israel and I am asking Israel to accept such a proposal," Abbas was quoted as saying.


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday said at a meeting with left-wing group Peace Now and members of the Knesset that Trump's negotiation team had offered him a peace deal based on a confederation with Jordan.


Abbas commented that he would agree to such a plan under the condition that Israel were part of the confederation.

"I want a three-party confederation with Jordan and Israel and I am asking Israel to accept such a proposal," Abbas was quoted as saying.

According to him, it was Israel that refused to negotiate on important issues and even to meet him in the past.


"I met Trump four times," Abbas emphasized, arguing that he was in favor of a demilitarized state of Palestine.


"I have a problem with Netanyahu, not with the Likud," he clarified.

Anonymous ID: f2f08b Sept. 2, 2018, 6:32 a.m. No.2844603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4628 >>5127 >>5273

Pentagon cancels $300m aid to Pakistan ahead of Mike Pompeo visit


America has cancelled £230m ($300m) of aid to Pakistan just days before a visit by Washington's top diplomat, amid US frustration Islamabad is still doing too little to rein in Afghan militants.


The Pentagon said it would spend the military aid elsewhere because of a lack of Pakistani action backing US troops in Afghanistan.


America has long accused Pakistan, and particularly its military spy agency, of providing a safe haven and support to Taliban militants fighting in Afghanistan.


The announcement to cancel the aid, which was already suspended, came only days before Mike Pompeo is due to arrive in Pakistan requesting help to bolster Ashraf Ghani's beleaguered Kabul government.


A year into Donald Trump's revamped South Asia strategy to end the Afghan conflict, US officials say Islamabad has not done enough to clamp down on the Taliban or its Haqqani network faction.

The Taliban continue to control or threaten swathes of the country and recently launched one of their most ambitious attacks, overrunning parts of the city of Ghazni.


The money was withheld “due to a lack of Pakistani decisive actions in support of the South Asia Strategy” Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Kone Faulkner said.


America had already announced it was freezing military aid after Mr Trump earlier this year blasted Islamabad for “lies and deceit”. Aid would resume if Pakistan was more cooperative, officials suggested.


Mr Pompeo will be accompanied by America's top military officer, Gen Joseph Dunford, for talks with Imran Khan that will be dominated by how to combat militants.

Any peaceful solution to America's 17-year-long Afghan conflict relies on Pakistan's help, and the White House believes a crackdown by Islamabad could be pivotal in securing a peace settlement. Islamabad meanwhile is likely to need US backing for an International Monetary Fund bailout to ease its dire economic woes. US aid has also until now helped fund a military that consumes a fifth of Pakistan's government budget.


Faraza Shaikh, a Pakistan expert at Chatham House, said: “[The visit] is important for both sides. As far as Pakistan is concerned, it is very closely tied to Pakistan's dire economic crisis. If the country is in the end forced to go to the IMF, I think it's going to need the United States and the Trump administration on side.”


Mr Khan has often railed against US policy in the region and earned the moniker Taliban Khan among political opponents for his supposed soft stance on militancy. Since taking office as prime minister he has said he wants more equal relations with Washington.


“ It's going to be very treacherous waters now to navigate,” said Dr Shaikh, “but Pakistan does find itself in a very precarious economic situation”.


Pakistan denies doing too little, saying tens of thousands of its troops and civilians have been killed or maimed as it has tried to wrestle with internal militancy. The country says it is being used as a scapegoat for the failures of western policy inside Afghanistan.


Moeed Yusuf, of the US Institute of Peace think tank, said there was little point of a visit if Islamabad and Washington only fell back to their entrenched positions.


He suggested that only by focusing on how to build on the US direct talks with the Taliban would progress be made.

Anonymous ID: f2f08b Sept. 2, 2018, 6:43 a.m. No.2844672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5127 >>5273

Obama readies fall campaign push, but some Dems say no thanks


Former President Obama is set to dive into the midterm elections next week with a speech in Illinois where he is expected to urge Democrats across the country to vote — addressing a problem that plagued the party in 2016.


Obama has kept a low political profile since leaving office, but sources familiar with his plans say he will soon hit the campaign trail to help Democrats in their quest to take back the House, protect vulnerable Senate incumbents and win state legislative races.


The former president will kick off his push by delivering a speech at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on Friday. In the weeks ahead, Obama will also campaign in California, Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania, a person familiar with his schedule said.


Not all Democrats want Obama’s help.


Democratic candidates running in states that President Trump won by double digits in 2016 would prefer that the former president stay far away.


Some Democrats in pro-Trump states, such as Sens. Bob Casey (Pa.), Debbie Stabenow (Mich.) and Sherrod Brown (Ohio), say they hope Obama will campaign for them.


Others, such as Sens. Jon Tester (Mont.) and Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), want to keep the race locked on the battle between themselves and their state rivals, fearing a high-profile surrogate like Obama could distract from the strategy.


“We’re not going to use any surrogates. Surrogates are fine but we don’t need them. The race is myself and Matt Rosendale and that’s the way we want to keep it,” Tester told The Hill, referring to his GOP challenger.


Asked if she thought Obama might show up in North Dakota, Heitkamp said: “Nope, no.”


“He threatened to campaign against me once so I don’t think he’s coming out there,” she said.


While the former president remains extremely popular with the Democratic base, especially among African-American voters, Democrats fear his entrance into some battleground states could inadvertently rev up conservatives and pro-Trump voters.


“Trump wants nothing more than a foil. He knows he can activate the other side," said a source familiar with Obama's thinking.


The former president is "going to be involved this fall in a very Obamaesque, smart way,” the source added.


Democrats say that one way Obama can have a big impact on races is by urging infrequent voters to show up to the polls in November, something that will be a major theme of the former president's speech on Friday.

More here:

Anonymous ID: f2f08b Sept. 2, 2018, 7:39 a.m. No.2845037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

REVEALED: The shocking plight of America's child brides aged as young as 13 who have been forced to marry their attackers - which helps their abusers escape justice under archaic laws


Donna Pollard was just 16 when she was forced to marry Kentucky child abuser

He had first raped her when she was just 14 years old, devastating her childhood

Judy Wiegand was just 13 when she was forced to marry the man who raped her

Glenda Welp forced to marry her violent neighbour when she was aged just 14