You Californians fucking hang in there man. You are not forgotten. Near your state and in a similar boat. The toilet that is Cali is about the be flushed…
Yeah, damn right. NOTHING stops fires better than a logger. Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure my friend plus you get sawmill yards slammed full of beautiful lumber for the deal.
The timber industry cascades (pun intended) though the rest of the economy as well. Timber sales on federal lands for fire prevention means log truck and logging equipment mechanics have TONS of good work that pays 80k a year and does not require a shitty college degree to do. All it requires is a brain and strong hands and some brass balls. Don'/t worry if you are a soy boy pussy… Be a field mechanic for a few years and you will be strong and mean and smart at the end of it ha ha.
It means road crews with limitless work in the summer from the destroyed roads run by endless logtrucks (but don't worry about it because timber and road taxes will pay for it easily). It means Saw mill jobs, WAY cheaper local mass lumber available for building stores. but BEST OF ALL IS THIS… Timber industries means EXPORTS to other nations. Offsetting the brutal trade deficit that has bled this great nation dry.
Would you like your son to be able to go to highschool, get b- average and start as a diesel mechanic apprentice or logger or heavy equipment operator or sawyer or trucker or road worker or whatever making 60k a year the day after he graduates… SUPPORT TIMBER….
INB4 MUH SPOTTED OWL… MUH SILVERY MINNOW, Fires are MORE damaging to the environment than logging and replanting… Seriously. They are because when you log there is about 6 feet deep of slash left on the ground by the crews. It LOOKS gross but it is nothing but fertilizer. Fire on the other hand will steralize the soil if it burns hot enough and even burn organic matter out of the soil making recover VERY slow. Usually trees cannot be successfully planted in many areas immediately after a fire because of soil damage and the subsequent erosion. Logging has FAR less problems in this department, even in the wettest areas of the PNW because of the meter deep slash covering and protecting healthy soil.
Are you a bow hunter? Where do you hang out? In a tree stand on the edge of a CLEAR CUT BLOCK.. Pretty much gospel. Why?? Because a heavy second growth forest is a near-monoculture. in a lot of ways, but a clearcut block… Wow, go count the species! Clearcut blocks are insane with animals and unique forb-type plants that thrive before the brush takes over. Deer know this and love these areas.
Make Logging Great Again…