Anonymous ID: f348fb Sept. 2, 2018, 9:26 a.m. No.2845967   🗄️.is 🔗kun!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

43 connections

Follow the connections pre-pres.

43 confirmed connections.

Tried this link but no go for this anon.


Spider Web

Alice & Wonderland


"sniffer detects traces of bypass override"

Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)?


I can't seem to find the spider map I thought I had previously seen, but


42 that were bypassed + Barry yields 43.


Ben Rhoades had security clearance issues.

Others aren't as readily dug, but they have it all.

But Samantha Powers clearance was used to unmask,

As you recall, Power was caught using her security clearance as a U.N. ambassador to review private conversations by U.S. citizens. According to official records, she requested the unmasking of these private citizens over 260 times in 2016 (this was an election year). She was brought before the House Intelligence Committee to explain her actions.


Her defense? It wasn't me. Someone else in the Obama White House did this, using her security clearance.


So someone who likely then did not have clearance or access.

Yankee White, article and comments detail what it is and what is required of it.

Three levels, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret/SCI. SCI being the compartmented SAP access (need to know)

One or two extra financial forms are required depending on the Category of Yankee White (YW) position, but there’s only one standard enhancement to all background investigations for YW positions and that’s a check of Secret Service records. Additionally certain designated Category One positions require periodic CI Scope polygraph exams. Otherwise the investigations are same as for other clearances. Category One and Category Two YW are considered Critical Sensitive positions, so SSBIs are required regardless of the level of classified access required. Other than expedited handling, the main difference with YW cases is the suitability/fitness adjudication that’s required. A suitability/fitness determination is always required, and it occurs separately after the security clearance eligibility determination, if access to classified information is needed. The suitability/fitness criteria for YW are generally more restrictive than the eligibility criteria for a security clearance.


So if Barry's 42 admin personnel couldn't get the clearance, did they get an interim (doubtful, since every application document would have to be on file and then necessity/justification shown as to why interim be granted), or did the paperwork get turned in and never investigated, ie bypassed?


the undisclosed trip to Saudi, not to be confused with unannounced (can't seem to find any other undisclosed trip by anyone),


Cummings and Engel appeared to focus on evidence that they said suggested Flynn repeatedly misled investigators about his overseas work during the period after 2014, when he left as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency and formed a consulting firm, the Flynn Intel Group. Flynn previously made a late acknowledgement in filings to the Department of Justice that immediately before joining the Trump White House, he was doing work that could benefit the government of Turkey.


This letter suggests that Flynn’s previously undisclosed foreign work extended much further than previously revealed. During the summer of 2015, the letter says, Flynn traveled to the Middle East to pursue the nuclear venture – a trip he did not disclose.


He reported another trip, to Saudi Arabia, in October 2015 on security clearance forms, but the letter says he omitted key details of that trip, including who paid for it. He said he traveled with a “friend,” whom he did not identify, had a speaking engagement that could not be confirmed by the agencies that booked his speeches and stayed at the King Khaled International Hotel, the letter says. Congressional investigators could find no evidence that such a hotel existed.


Asides no names trip to Syria, why the need to pander to Muslim Brotherhood?

Anonymous ID: f348fb Sept. 2, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.2846009   🗄️.is 🔗kun


just going back and rereading crumbs after seeing the item that HRC handling of emails not that important or something similar in a drop.


The whole of Alice & Wonderland is tied in whether by


“In September 1998, another ring was raided – what the BBC described as “a larger and more sinister paedophile network called Wonderland.” The network was so named in honor of Lewis Carroll’s revered children's book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Carroll was widely known to have a predilection for underage girls and boys, and is now something of a patron saint of pedophiles around the globe.” (The Pedophocracy by David McGowan)


or even


Come again?


While there is no guarantee that such a project will be any more efficient or effective than in Iraq or Afghanistan, failing to plan for it would be disastrous.


That's what I thought he said.


The last time she saw them, they were trying to put the Dormouse into the teapot….


There are other blogs she wrote that have similarly themed Alice structure to them.