I might have gone nuts but hear me out. Q said dead and/or suffering. noname was said to be getting treatment for cancer. The careful description about the placing of hands indicates a level that noname couldn't move his beyond. The DON'T PANIC on the dash board, buckle up comments by Q, T minus posts, all the strange phrasing or language about noname's departure, The radiation belt would cause extreme suffering if he survived. Maybe the cutting off of communications was with noname and they have had it up until now. I think they are being sent up as payload and we are footing the BILL. I think daddy Bush is next and going up on Horizon. Even Q posts GCHQ seems to be a dot to connect ( Ground Control Head Quarter)
>>2845377 (me) If my theory is close to being correct, it puts the April 18th Spacex TESS mission carrying Barbara Bush. Here are some supporting dots to connect
>>2845777 I think he will be dead by 9/18 and sent up on Spacex Horizon. I have posted some supporting dots to connect. It's too coincidental that his farewell speech was named We Lift Our Eyes to the Broad Horizon
>>2845835 if my theory is even half right, we have a heads up if we can dig up what links who to the names of the upcoming spacex missions.
>>2845925 I honestly think my theory has merit
>>2845969 the horizon farewell speech was from jr. bush. I got mixed up. So it must mean jr. but these are the next scheduled launches. I am going to dig to see if there are any dots ot connect