Anonymous ID: 8c3822 Sept. 2, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.2846608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6654



cohen wattnick looks like a whitehat to me.


>Cohen-Watnick was brought into the United States National Security Council by Michael T. Flynn, the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and President Donald Trump's first National Security Advisor. He was named the NSC's Senior Director for Intelligence Programs.[6] This directorship was intermittently held by detailed CIA officers. Like Cohen-Watnick, the immediate preceding Senior Director from the Obama Administration was a political appointee.[7][8] Some viewed >>2846457

Cohen-Watnick's appointment as a sign of Trump's mistrust of the CIA.[9] Following Flynn's resignation in February 2017, the new National Security Advisor, H. R. McMaster, attempted to remove Cohen-Watnick, but he was overruled by Trump.[4] McMaster attempted to replace Cohen-Watnick with CIA official Linda Weissgold, the author of the infamous Benghazi talking points and member of the "Benghazi dream team", a group of intelligence community analysts assembled to counter the Congressional investigation into the Benghazi Affair.[10]


>It is alleged that Cohen-Watnick inadvertently identified reports suggesting that members of Trump's campaign team had been subjected to incidental surveillance by the United States intelligence community, as part of an unrelated review of privacy procedures.[11][12] This information was passed on to Chairman of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Devin Nunes by Assistant White House Counsel Michael Ellis.


Brought by flynn, allegedly knows about the spy op against potus, was a threat to the benghazi cover up op.