Anonymous ID: 831faa Sept. 2, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.2846969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7022 >>7167 >>7234 >>7518


Cohen-Watnick’s name surfaced in late March 2017 when he was identified as one of two White House officials who had helped provide the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, with intelligence reports indicating that former national security adviser Susan Rice had “unmasked” the identities of several Trump associates.


McMaster’s first attempt to sideline Cohen-Watnick came in March after complaints from CIA analysts who had complained about working with him, according to a POLITICO report. But Cohen-Watnick appealed to Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, and the president’s senior adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, with whom he had developed a close relationship during the transition. They took the matter directly to the Trump, who overruled his national security adviser.


Cohen-Watnick’s removal also coincides with the arrival at the White House of Gen. John Kelly, President Trump’s new chief of staff, who replaced Reince Priebus on Monday. Kelly has quickly asserted control over a chaotic and undisciplined White House, and speculation immediately began to mount that he, in addition to McMaster, played a role in the latest NSC shakeup.


Little is known about Cohen-Watnick, who had spent much of his short career as a low-ranking official at the Defense Intelligence Agency. Information about him in publicly available sources is scarce. Few higher-ups from the DIA remember him.


Cohen-watnick was raised in chevy chase, maryland, an affluent suburb of Washington. His father is a lawyer; his mother a doctor; the couple is separated. Cohen-Watnick attended Bethesda Chevy-Chase High School, graduating in 2004. Cohen-Watnick entered the University of Pennsylvania in the fall of 2004. Cohen-Watnick’s history becomes murkier around 2008, his final year at Penn.


Cohen-Watnick took a civilian job with the Navy after college. A DIA spokesperson confirmed that Cohen-Watnick had joined the DIA in 2010, and left it in January of 2017. Newsweek reported that Cohen-Watnick entered the Defense Clandestine Service in 2012 and was sent to “The Farm,” the CIA training facility in Virginia, in 2013. Cohen-Watnick later served overseas in Afghanistan at a CIA base.


Cohen-Watnick actually met Flynn much later, in 2016, at a coffee arranged by Michael Ledeen’s wife Barbara, who Cohen-Watnick knows from growing up outside of Washington. Ledeen is a friend of Flynn’s and co-authored the book Field of Fight with him.


One way or another, Michael Flynn seems to have elevated Cohen-Watnick to his high station in the Trump administration. What remains a mystery is who exactly has protected him since Flynn went down, and why. The Nunes scandal cemented Cohen-Watnick's reputation as a loyalist and as someone who could withstand the heat of public controversy.


In April 2018 it was announced that he is taking a job as a senior adviser to Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Ezra Cohen-Watnick will provide advice to Sessions on issues related to national security, counterintelligence and counterterrorism.

Anonymous ID: 831faa Sept. 2, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.2847167   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Michael Ledeen -

Expert on Iran’s Green Movement and maintains close ties to opposition groups inside IRAN. Dr. Michael Ledeen is the Freedom Scholar at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. His work ranges from Europe (especially Italy) to the Middle East, with particular emphasis on IRAN. He has written more than 35 books, and his essays are published regularly on, and, as well as in Forbes. He is also a contributor to the Wall Street Journal‘s oped page.

Previously, Dr. Ledeen served as a consultant to the National Security Council, the State Department, and the Defense Department. He has also served as a special adviser to the Secretary of State.

Anonymous ID: 831faa Sept. 2, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.2847566   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Michael Ledeen amd his wife Barbara Ledeen is the connection between FLYNN and Ezra Cohen-Watnick


Now Michael Ledeen is exposing another “grande fauche” — the Democratic Party’s current campaign to redistribute American wealth. This campaign is rooted in Karl Marx’s principle “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” a maxim that authorized stealing as a national policy on the day the Marxist Soviet Union was born.


Young Americans, who have no longer been taught real history in school and have probably not yet started paying taxes, seem to love the concept of a free lunch. It is no wonder that during the 2008 election campaign, the Democratic Party filled entire stadiums with people demanding that the wealth of the United States be redistributed. Some of those electoral gatherings displayed all the fervor of Stalinist revival meetings — over eighty thousand people gathered at that now famous imitation Greek temple cum White House in Denver, demanding the redistribution of American wealth.


Michael Ledeen has since gone out of his way to make those young people understand that stealing is a crime that does not pay, even when it is committed by the government of a superpower, and that the Soviet empire’s economic collapse proves it.


Stealing is just one step ahead of killing. This brings me to the crux of the matter. Michael, a former consultant to the National Security Council, the State Department, and the Department of Defense, has spared no effort to document that today’s international terrorism was born in Moscow. His 2002 book The War Against the Terror Masters attests to that. More recent events confirm that thesis. On July 12, 2006, militants of Hezbollah (“Party of God”), an anti-Semitic Muslim fundamentalist group armed by Russia, launched a powerful rocket attack against Israel. That attack was followed by a 34-day Israeli offensive against the attacker. Most of the Hezbollah weapons cases captured by the Israeli military forces during that offensive were marked:

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