>Its low res, noone is going to be able to zoom in on that. We need to find the unedited PHOTOGRAPH that was taken from the different angle.
I posted earlier that the photo may be part of a series used to make a gigapixel panorama.
Done from a still camera with a larger zoom than you would normally use inside. Thus higher resolution zoomed in.
Still camera on a tripod that is moved laterally after each shot until it reaches it's outer edge, then moved down to start another row.
This is why camera angle is different from a video camera. North/south angle changes with each row change when making the exposures with a panorama head and east/west angle changes with each exposure.
Photog then uploads all photos to a computer, stitches them all together into one big photo and edits for publication.
If photog or publication editor sees anomaly/distraction, those parts are edited.
In this case, I think all individual stills were vetted first before stitching to see if any doxxing type info was in any photo. Blurred area was flagged and wiped during this process.
A poster earlier mentioned dng file. dng type file is basically a RAW type file (.cr2) compressed for archiving.
In an import into Adobe Lightroom (photo organizer and editor with adode camera raw image processing) you can tell the program to make a duplicate of the RAW file as a .dng to an archive location. So, that original unedited file is somewhere as RAW (.cr2) or .dng if this was the case here.
Also, if it was a gigapixel panorama project and the photog deleted the file, when someone tried to re-build the panorama from the files left wherever that particular image should be in the the panorama would be blank.
Photog kind of trapped here IMHO. If in a panorama series, kind of hard to say how that specific image got 'lost' or deleted when the ones around it didn't.
Best thing is to ask the photog why those lines are blurred and ask to see the backup RAW or dng to back up what he says.