Your sacrifice was appreciated, anon.
I hear ya.
TBH, I doubt it's in this one that I'm going through now, either. Q having stated 'roll', pretty much tells me that we're not going to find it any of these.
I've found some great stills though. None of what we're looking for, but they do indicate how clear the shots can be, down to the detail.
Quite a few breads back, someone posted that the rolls could be requested, and that all the filming is an in house thing. I don't know how in house, considering everything is contracted these days, but I'm left to assume that the film remains the property of The WH.
I'm open to it being either/or. I've more or less exhausted my patience with looking for still shots. Yet, I don't know that the old type of roll film would get anywhere close to the quality that we're looking for.
Photo attached as example. The detail and clarity is amazing.
Potus tweeted.
My prayers and best wishes are with the family of Edwin Jackson, a wonderful young man whose life was so senselessly taken. @Colts
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Donald J. Trump
Verified account
5m5 minutes ago
So disgraceful that a person illegally in our country killed @Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson. This is just one of many such preventable tragedies. We must get the Dems to get tough on the Border, and with illegal immigration, FAST!
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