What else is new. Only way to explain their (Google and Facebook) success unless they were getting massive funding from somewhere. Youtube alone is a massive loss for the original creators and now Google. No legit company could survive that way. There have been plenty of start ups that didn't survive because they just didn't have the access to tax payer money.
Also don't forget Amazon and likely a lot of othere work the same way.but indirectly. They make deals to get the tax hidden as operating and service fees on your utility bill. So even if you boycott companies you are still paying for them through hidden fees on utility bills.
>Amazon, which has taken heat for harnessing taxpayer funds to further its own gains, is attempting to pass on the cost of powering its massive data centers to consumers in the form of higher electric bill fees.
>According to Bloomberg, Virginia’s largest utility Dominion Energy, recently negotiated with state legislators to pass on the cost of running a power line underground to connect to one of the tech firm’s subsidiaries—to the tune of $172 million—to consumers in the form of an as-yet-unannounced monthly fee.
I'm sure this just the tip of the iceberg.