such individuals did not need a 'price'.
racial motive and attitude does the work well.
Many other things.
True budget not 5 billion?
how many other lifelog = facebook like ops are they involved in?
Did we have ANY branches aside from mil intel and POTUS + Patriots that was actually ours?
WWW [was] theirs.
Did we take it back? Network backbone and all?
In progress?
NK -ES - GOOG - DARPA - [[[KGB]]] aka cabal instrument - C_A - etc.
history = lie.
All appendages under same animal.
almost nothing that is 'widespread' happens without their consent and organization.
Patriots control the top apparently.
Remember that drop. They are just shuffling personnel around.
We will break them all.
Your genetic material information and how it should be used.
For [their] purposes.
think beehive.
cross breeding.
identification of world wide candidates.
From inceptions, both organs are one in the same.