I guess we're recycling material for all the new faces. Well played Q
Keyhole, created with millions or billions of my taxpayer dollars by DARPA, and handed to a Russian born spook on a silver platter to make him a billionaire. National Socialists party of Germany would be so proud.
look at the similarity in their features
This must of course be given to a member of a connected spook family, would not do for this kind of thing to be put up for a respectable and fair bidding process, then everyone would know about it. Perfect.
We already know they were using the Gmail drafts thinking that the NSA was not looking at them. One person would write a draft, and another would log in as the same name and read it.
But the NSA logs all web traffic, so a worthless endeavor, plus google keeps records, which can be subpoenaed.
>It will [ALL] connect eventually.
When? You know, you could release those drafts, or parts of them that the bad guys would recognize, to this board. That would sure make them upset.