Anonymous ID: c3f92c Sept. 2, 2018, 1:20 p.m. No.2848849   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Boaz and Jachin, Pillars of Freemasonry


These pillars adorn every masonic lodge. They are important! Have we ever done a dig as to their meaning or on how/why the lodges are constructed the way they are? It's not only fascinating but important for deeper understanding.


The reason I call attention to this now, is in Notable >>2843208 it is said that the Virgin Mary's father was named Joachin. That name is eerily reminiscent of the main named pillar, minus a vowel. Do Freemason's pillars named after Mary's father?


Is Freemasonry built upon the principles of Christianity or the ying to its yang? Important questions in understanding our place in history.