Anonymous ID: f62f31 Sept. 2, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.2848830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8906 >>8915 >>8981


Google – collects search history

Amazon – collects purchase history

23&Me – collects DNA

Facebook – collects social history

YouTube – Collects entertainment history

Apple – collects real time position and GEO location history


Small group of mega-corporations collect every possible bit of information about the public. The question is WHY? Why do they need to know I bought a lawnmower belt on Aug 3, 2016? Why do they need to know I have a disposition to diabetes or like Star Trek over Star Wars? Is it all to sell me a product more efficiently? To put me in a category, a label, to auto-fill my search bar more quickly? Or is it something more sinister? Perhaps building the Mark of the Beast database where none can buy or sell unless they have the mark?