I'm a newfag I've been following this channel for a while and I see a lot of pent up rage.
Use it well.
One weaponized psychology method of control that you can research at least back to Rashīd ad-Dīn Sinān is applied stress.
Stress reduces creativity. Creativity is independent thought. Stress cripples happiness, satisfaction, self-esteem. Stressed out people are obedient even docile. Happy people don’t kill themselves, or others.
Hence the constant FUD broadcast by the operators of the brainwashing machines. TV content actually does dumb you down. They do this to children! Public school is an indoctrination machine. Stress is constant. Don’t look at FUD material except to study the techniques, and then not too much, as it’s mostly repetitive hammering the same message continuously. This is called psychic driving. They made the Matrix a box of pain to control you.
Subliminal sample
Half the internet is FUD. Don’t look at that uncritically either. Notice they don’t control the internet, yet.
You can pull a lot of examples of this from recent events. 911 was used to stress out the USA into accepting the 1990s USAPATRIOT police state ACT, and bring the west under the global oligarchy.
In the 80s Steve Jobs said computers would result in the 4 day work week. The oligarchs wouldn’t like this greater happiness and free time for creative thought, so they crashed the markets, robbed the banks dumped massive amounts of cocaine on the uneducated masses and raised taxes to take that free day away. You can see this mess all around you, we’re living in it.
Here is a simple test that makes you the sauce* for this comment.
Stress doesn’t last, hence the 24/7 reinforcement.
The cure for stress is laughter. For every hour of stress you must decompress, subject yourself too an hour of play. Make sure to laugh every day. You can laugh at the political clods and the MSM clowns but only laugh at them, not their poisonous messages. Just turn the sound off. Memes are great. If you are going to post something that reinforces and spreads your stress, just don’t. Doing this also makes the shills and bots stand out more because stressing people out is a major component in how they operate: they literally push your buttons. Creative people do not follow without question. Only stressed out people sacrifice their freedom to opt out.
Q is a beautiful message: TFY! The pain isn’t for you. It’s for the unjust. Gott Mit Uns, Beautiful Patriots.
Warning: Heals zombies, shills, minions, idiots, fatigue, mental illness and deviant behavior. Wait until your outlook clears fully before expressing your new outlook in public. Counterindications include masterbation and all pharmakoi including visual, digital and electronic forms.