Anonymous ID: 28ea5a Sept. 2, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.2850036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0398

>>2849985 Sorta the original post your link was responding to… some reformatting and rewording:


How might [DARPA] aka GOOG play a role in the spy campaign against POTUS?

This was all said to make a single point.


Think GMAIL.

What does it take to access gmail? Only internet access, a user name, and a password.



Drafts are not sent. This is how the cabal tried to get around data gathering.



It will [ALL] connect eventually.


Here's how it works:

Set up a gmail account. Why gmail? Because ES owns it, and can limit access. Once the account is set up, pass the username and password to whoever you want to communicate with.

Write a draft. They sign in, and check drafts. They delete the draft and send a reply with their own draft.

Here's the problem:

Fly in the ointment? The text is still sent through the internet, even if it is not sent through a mail server. The footprint still exists, just in packet logs, not on any email record that could be subpoenaed. That's right… they have it all, even the unsent drafts (which were sent to the goog servers).

These people are stupid.