Anonymous ID: 385ada Sept. 2, 2018, 2:47 p.m. No.2850245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0514


Daily or binge?


If daily:

Start with what she normally drinks. Decrease by one each day until you go your first full day without a drink. Have one every other day. Keeps the tremors away until she can start to really replace with healthier habits.


Don't have her even attempt cold turkey. Depending on how much of an alcoholic she is, that could be fatal.


If she's a binge drinker:

She needs to stop at half what she would normally drink next time. Then half that, on the next binge, and so on.


You can recover from severe alcoholism, but it takes a great deal of discipline, and support. Loving support. Non judgemental, loving support.


Prayers, anon.

Anonymous ID: 385ada Sept. 2, 2018, 2:56 p.m. No.2850377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0495 >>0510


Not sure how to put it to you, but it's much simpler (unfortunately) than many make it out to be. Many of the most prominent, powerful, rich, and "successful" people of the world worship Satan. Either they are self-proclaimed Satanists, Satanists that are hiding it, or they don't even realize how their actions are evil due to the way money/power works.


That's the harsh reality. I've spoken to a few millionaires that have looked back on their lives, and what it took to get where they are, and they all pretty much say the exact same things:

The love of money is evil. Money in and of itself is an evil system. Something should be done to fix it, but none of them have any good ideas.


Don't worry yourself too much with the details of how we got here. Concern more with what we do while we're here to make life better for yourself and those around you.