Anonymous ID: 3bb546 Sept. 2, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.2850008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reference the Magic Sword 1965 Bio-Weapon Wiki. post in last bread. — See book about Bio-Warfare " The Killing Winds "See also Wiki. pages on Unethical Human testing in United States. The release shit on towns + subways or from a barge in San Francisco Bay. Then see how long it takes for hospitals to start filling up. Pure MURDER.

Anonymous ID: 3bb546 Sept. 2, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.2850257   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Methods are ALL Interconnected.



ABSTRACT … The objectives of this report are fourfold: (i) to provide Members of the European Parliament with a guide to recent advances in the technology of political control; (ii) to identify, analyse and describe the current state of the art of the most salient developments; (iii) to present members with an account of current trends, both in Europe and Worldwide; and (iv) to develop policy recommendations covering regulatory strategies for their management and future control. The report contains seven substantive sections which cover respectively: (i) The role and function of the technology of political control; (ii) Recent trends and innovations (including the implications of globalisation, militarisation of police equipment, convergence of control systems deployed worldwide and the implications of increasing technology and decision drift); (iii) Developments in surveillance technology (including the emergence of new forms of local, national and international communications interceptions networks and the creation of human recognition and tracking devices); (iv) Innovations in crowd control weapons (including the evolution of a 2nd. generation of so called 'less-lethal weapons' from nuclear labs in the USA). (v) The emergence of prisoner control as a privatised industry, whilst state prisons face increasing pressure to substitute technology for staff in cost cutting exercises and the social and political implications of replacing policies of rehabilitation with strategies of human warehousing. (v) The use of science and technology to devise new efficient mark-free interrogation and torture technologies and their proliferation from the US & Europe. (vi) The implications of vertical and horizontal proliferation of this technology and the need for an adequate political response by the EU, to ensure it neither threatens civil liberties in Europe, nor reaches the hands of tyrants.

