Anonymous ID: afb33f Sept. 2, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.2850369   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're missing the connection… These aren't people… "the gods" were always celestial objects in the sky, (: planets AND sunS :) Play around in your mind if you must, but there is serious business that takes place in "The Heavens"… You haven't looked at enough pieces of the puzzle to educate me in any way with your 'psycho babble'… Q juuuuust dropped a huuuuuge clue about how most of the things we learned are COMPLETELY based in FANTASY LAND… one which you are still clinging to at this moment, fren… Break Free, any time and go re_read that nearest star post and start asking some major questions… It's National Get-Yo-Shit-Together Month ; )

Anonymous ID: afb33f Sept. 2, 2018, 3:06 p.m. No.2850560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0609 >>0702

Hi everyone!! We have a lot to talk about here… Anyone know how SPACE works?? You're gonna need my help for this one… I have a lot of crumbs and a very solid foundation of what "the Eye in the Sky" and just about ALL those other archetypes that your running around being afraid of, like satan, moloch, baal, lucifer, the list goes on… I'd also like to introduce you to Zues's father Kronos, better known as Saturn, formerly known as our Sun, for a solid period of time, before it dwindled and "got into a fight" with Jupiter… which also used to be our sun for a brief period of time, both of which came after the Sirius Days of old… but that was before satan, aka Saturn, was "cast out" of Heaven… You're gonna need me…

Anonymous ID: afb33f Sept. 2, 2018, 3:16 p.m. No.2850705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0736


Excellent!! Yes, this is the right track for sure… Thunderbolts know what's up!! I got so much sauce on this already… I read Velikovsky awhile back when I was in jail… It got me asking a lot of questions… I got a lot of answers last year…