Anonymous ID: db4f74 Sept. 2, 2018, 2:44 p.m. No.2850198   🗄️.is 🔗kun




This pretty much tells the story of Lucifer… Without really needing to evoke God or creation into the mix.

Anonymous ID: db4f74 Sept. 2, 2018, 3:16 p.m. No.2850710   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because you touch yourself at night, anon.


The symbols hold meaning. The eye is usually the eye of horus - which is not really a bad thing. The owl, and even lilith, may be seen as 'not-bad' symbols depending on how they are being evoked.


Let's revisit adam, lilith, and eve. Lilith (the owl) was Adam's companion in creation. She fled Eden after a dispute about whether or not she was equal to Adam. (Adam is similar in sound to the word for "earth" or "ground" - lilith literally translates to "sky"). The story is a literal tale of unyielding extremes. Lilith flees and consorts with demons (or less-than beings). (The curious autist may postulate that she fled to Earth and procreated with early hominids and whose offspring would later be who married to Cain and Set(h)).


Adam then complained of his lack of a proper mate to god, who ultimately resorted to a sort of clone of adam as a sort of masturbation assistance.


From our standpoint, we can easily see the tale as one of tragedy that should, ideally, see a peaceful resolution as to one filled with destruction.

But the symbolism/alignment can go many ways. Those who want to see lilith destroyed, those who see her as better than man, those who want to preserve eve's line, etc.


And that is just one part of what is a much larger story and set of stories.