Anonymous ID: f8cd80 Sept. 2, 2018, 3:06 p.m. No.2850542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0619 >>0675 >>0693


See I knew Sergey Brin in high school. I know very well the girl he went to prom with and I have a ton of trouble thinking of him as some kind of illuminati villain. I mean my friend might even still have his phone number because she was living in Australia for awhile and I remember she went to hang out with him one time when he was in the country even though he was a big cheese at Google even then. I think this was pre-Wojcicki so don't get any weird ideas. She was friends with Sergey through their AP comp sci class (I had the same teacher too, he was a gross chain smoker, major halitosis).


Anyway, I sometimes think about how people get roped into working for the deep state. I remember when Sergey started making waves with Google we were super excited for him. This was big. How do you catch a big wave like that? If someone offered it to you would you pass it up?


See we knew his family was Russian. We probably didn't dig into it that much. Who would have thought that that would be significant politically? We had a lot of interesting people at our high school. We were in the DC burbs and not that far from NASA Goddard. It was a public school under Maryland's Science and Technology magnet program. You had to pass a test to be part of the magnet program. Local kids got to attend just because they lived nearby.


If I was in college, MIT, Harvard, Yale, what have you, I would be excited to be there. Part of the reason to go to a school like that is to network. I recognize it now. Back when I was applying to college I was just worried about paying for it. My family isn't made of money. Sergey went to a public high school. That implies to me that his family was not 'made of money'.


But imagine you had a free ride to one of these schools (your parents are connected?) and someone with the deep state gives you an in. To you, you're just learning to ropes. To you, you could have your future all made out for you. To you, you don't have to stress about paying for anything ever again. To you, college is a done deal. At age 20 that would be an easy deal to make. Your conscience wouldn't kick in because you wouldn't see all the dastardly parts of it.


I can only imagine how many people fall into this category. They follow the blue line because it's the path of least resistance. All their buddies do it too. They're in the echo chamber and don't see the door. A lot of them would be isolated from the fruits of their labor. They might not even know about the human trafficking. They think they're fighting the good fight against conservative evangelical nazis or what have you.


And someone like Eric Schmidt has got to have quite a draw to him huh? He's a mystery man who brought Google into prominence right before our eyes. He was the mastermind surely. Sergey is a techie, a geek, not a businessman. In my mind, he is there because of his family connections and his computer expertise, but I don't see him as a businessman. It all came together like magic.


Imagine if that was you. Would you say no? Would your morals stop you? What if you didn't foresee what was coming in the future? Could you give it up? How hard would you fight to keep it?