Anonymous ID: 00e5b5 Sept. 2, 2018, 3:22 p.m. No.2850773   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Follow the link on Q post 2061 and get back to us when you understand some of it. DS is NOT blind. THEIR supercomputers are down … but the goog is still in business and so is Fartbuk and Twatter … ALL of whom have amazing computer facilities and an incredible ability to sort through a humongous data set. Also consider that the data the No Such Agency threw away last week was just a tiny drop from a very large bucket … and likely only amounted to the data of no consequence recorded between people who were ALL dead. 685 million records? Pfft … dust on the scales.


We haven't even properly entered the woods … we have a LONG way to get before we are back out of them.