Anonymous ID: 54bc6d Sept. 2, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.2851303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1330 >>1449

Here's a email with ES and Keith Alexander ( they also mentioned SBrin ) discussing a meeting with DOD about something called "Enduring Security Framework ( ESF ) and talking about the big tech ceo's from companies, like goog and Microsoft being able to control threat of what ever their fucking paranoid rich pos are worrried about ( hmmmm let me guess the sheep waking up) I've posted several times but nobody was interested at the time, seems relevant now to me. I've had it so long I think I got from a Snowden archive. I have a couple more related on my drive, can dig it out?! They aren't as juicy, to me if I remember right. Kek