Anonymous ID: 99b509 Sept. 2, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.2851228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1241



Except what is known as the Principle of the Integral Good predicts a different result. Any contamination by an evil act, however small, negates the spiritual worth of an action, even if the intention is pure, because God is Perfect Goodness, and can't bear a trace of Evil.


This is why you can't steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family, or shoot one person to save the life of ten. It's the action, not the intention, that shows Evil.


Remember, God is also Perfect Justice, so when you commit a contaminated act, it incurs a spiritual 'debt'. You will be given exactly what your acts owe, without repentance and the sacrament of reconciliation.


Personally, I've found it an incredibly-accurate predictor for dysfunctional results, which is why I know the end results of whatever Q is doing is entirely in God's Hands, and both the prideful rhetoric of Trump and Q and actions being taken - particularly the blackmail, but also the allegiance with Christ-denying Israel - is a setup for a great humiliation.


Yes, our 'side' may apparently seem to 'win' down the road, but prepare yourself for the cost incurred. I'd say it'll be something side could ever predict.