Anonymous ID: 9c5f0f Sept. 2, 2018, 4:13 p.m. No.2851392   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What if they are doing something like this:


Google + YouTube figure out who is guilty of wrongthink.


23andMe gets everyone's DNA, shares with Google.


Cross correlate this with big data analytics, and TPTB will know what genes are likely to lead people to wrongthink.


Plum Island makes a virus to target wrongthinkers. DARPA figures out how to toast peoples' balls remotely, MK them, deliver carcinogens via microdrones, etc.


More people submit DNA to 23andMe


After 100 years of this + rapefugees, have the perfect slave race.




Sounds like something that 'Rofschild' motherfucker would love. Of course they would have to keep it all in a family where everyone had proven themselves evil enough to be trusted.