Anonymous ID: df6c58 Sept. 2, 2018, 3:29 p.m. No.2850865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0897 >>0904 >>1167



Symbols are not Satanic

It is the people who are Satanic

And not all people who use any given symbol

Are Satanic people

Symbols are SYMBOLS

They are not magic

They have no power


No symbol has a single meaning

It is in the nature of symbols to encode

Several meanings

What you see in the symbol

Is in the eye of the beholder

Or in the HEART and MIND of the beholder

Even the simplest of symbols like this one …

Can encode many meanings

Some simple

And some profoundly deep.


If you want to tar all people who use a symbol

With the same brush

Then be prepared for the whole world

To go insane and come to YOUR house

And slaughter everyone

Because you have books or magazines

With the evil symbol E in them.

Anonymous ID: df6c58 Sept. 2, 2018, 3:35 p.m. No.2850944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0959 >>1249 >>1274

There is no pedo spiral.

The spiral is SOMETIMES used

To represent a whirlpool

To people who are river and sea pirates

Like the ancestors of the cult of con-artists


A whirlpool represents a trap

Pedos adopted various forms of the whirlpool symbol

As a magical spell that they believe reinforced

The strength of their traps.


One trap was the Good Humor ice cream carts and trucks

That would entice children away from their parents

In the park, or just on the street.

Pizza is another treat used to entice children

Make them feel safe and comfortable

And entice them out of control of their parents.


The White Rabbits or the Pied Pipers or the Finders

Entice the children into the traps

When they follow the White Rabbit,

They end up down the rabbit hole

Which represents the trap

After being trapped the child is plied with drugs

And a crazy illogical world

To break their resistance to the handlers


Folks, this is a system, developed by people whose understanding of human psychology is far advanced beyond that of the professionals, because the Illuminati created the science of psychology and comped it, as a LIMITED HANGOUT so that they could continue to act freely, using psychotherapy and rehab as cover.


We are not going to burn down Good Humor ice cream factories

Or destroy all children's clothes, books and toys with butterflies

Because we USE LOGIC

Anonymous ID: df6c58 Sept. 2, 2018, 3:40 p.m. No.2851012   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And to really defeat them

To ht hard psychologically

You display (((their))) symbols of power

While you strike against them

The symbols that they believe are their protection

Will not work

Because we are not psychotic like them

We use LOGIC

We have TRUE knowledge


This is why SEAL Team 6 wears a skull patch

This is why they listen to Magic Sword music

As they rain Ragnarok down on the evil ones


I wonder…

Did they break open Ain Zara prison in Tripoli last night?

Anonymous ID: df6c58 Sept. 2, 2018, 3:45 p.m. No.2851068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1112 >>1296



ISIS is not dead yet

Syria is heating up right now

Iran and Turkey are involved

ISIS has a significant presence in Libya

Along with Moslem Brotherhood


Both Syria and Libya

Are close enough to the ocean

That a SEAL Team 6 Op

Is realistic


Remember that Iran is next

But we have learned that the connections

Bewteen countries and groups

Are hidden and even unexpected

So an op in Syria or Libya might be just the thing

That is needed to deal a death blow

To the mullah's regime.

As always

Wait and watch the news.

Anonymous ID: df6c58 Sept. 2, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.2851126   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The thing that GCC special ops teams

And SEAL Team 6

And Erik Prince's private special forces

Have all taught us

Is that teamwork is number one

Everybody pulls his weight

There are NO heroes

That is Hollywood bullshit designed to DIVIDE

Team and thereby to conquer them

When a team has no heroes

Everybody pulls together

When the WHITE SQUALL hits your ship

Where We Go One, We Go All

So everybody pulls their weight and strives to excel.

The team wins the day. not the individual