It is, in the sense that Prometheus is older than "Muh Bilbe 600BC) but it is just a derivative of sumerian tablets. From like 3000BC, which some hebrews borrowed when enslaved there.
Gnostic Christians believe reverse. Lucifer created universe. Couldn't cr8 life. God took pitty, put free will life in Lucifer's universe. Lucifer jealous. Keeps life in stasis in "Graden of Eden" A sort of real life communist paradise as long as they worship him and don't seek freewill/knowledge. God shows up tells people to take knowledge. :Lucifer get PISSED, tries to destroy world. God saves. Lucifer agenst terrorize man for idk ~70000 years. Lucifer banishes his agents, claims he is one true God (note old tetament god is nasty, jealous, warlike, etc. etc. kinda like the cabal). God says WTF, sneds Jesus to free men….etc etc.etc.