-Political donations
-Sharia Law/Kingdom
Just because you play COD all day in mommys basement and know a guy who knows a guy who has a cousin in the Navy … does not mean you know shit about shit kiddo.
Any sauce on the SCIF yesterday? Haven't checked all not ables yet. Lazy af.
Oh… my bad kiddo… I didn't know it was "Publicly Available"
KEK dipshit KEK in your fat face!!
I'm asking bc I haven't found it yet fuk stick. Ain't like you can goog this shit. Nice meme though… gonna steal.
Gotcha… but remember back in April when we could ask each other where the sauce was without getting shilled?? Uhhh… the good 'ol days…
Author is "Message to Eagle" WTF???
If only we had our own language to differentiate ourselves from being mistaken as a newfag…??
Disinformation is necessary
1st time for everything. I'll keep you posted if it happens.
>▶Anonymous 09/02/18 (Sun) 17:55:49 9c7b81 (1) No.2851824
>Anybody got any sauce on Snopes that I could share with somebody that is using it as fact?
You may proceed…
Writing the lyrics to a U2 song makes you gayer than gay by default. Please GOD tell us you goog'd that shit and didn't have it from memory?!?!?
14 posts and a giant FUK YOU LADIES!!