Probably some sick degenerate pervert. My money is on john Podesta. Where do I collect my 36K???
That's one angry pussy
Do the cat a favour anon. Put it in a plastic bag and throw it in the river.
Must-have been an angry looking lady. Sheesh. Poor cat.
I still tap that!! Baarf
Notice all the milk symbology throughout the film? What's with that? More pedo shit I guess.
Luc Besson is a pedo don't just take my word for it.
Hollywood mise en scene?maybe, morelikely pedo shit.
Sicko. But looks nutritious anon.
Luc Besson French pedo director. Leon or The Professional. Depending on which cuntree your from.
I like my cereal the same way I like my women. Black with heaps of tittie milk.
I would suggest scavenging or foraging for food. ?? Eventually you'll run out of milk and won't be about to make a coffee in the morning.