Anonymous ID: 16479d Sept. 2, 2018, 11:01 p.m. No.2855691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5836 >>6110 >>6139

>>2855123 (lb) responding bc it's a good question

Anon, I don't think that these operations fall into the category of "we can't tell you, it will destroy the union." Quite the opposite, actually---I think that we're being given windows into these operations precisely because we're going to be told about them in the future. They're meant to prove legitimacy when the time is right via "future proves past."


As a long time contributor, I have been, at times, intensely frustrated with failed predictions when it has come to timelines...yet I have come to realize that the things that Q has told us will come to pass have been coming to pass. For me, the first big one was North Korea; when Q mentioned that they were a paper tiger, nobody else was saying any such thing; remember the news was talking about missiles that could hit San Francisco. Suddenly, it was over and almost everybody (except us) was taken by surprise.


What else has Q spoken of that has come true? There are dozens, in bits and pieces everywhere. A good example would be "Alice & Wonderland" ties; you can find Marty Torrey make allusions to Hillary as Alice, but it wasn't until recent declassifications that we started to see the extent of it with mentions about Wonderland and 'hatter' as well. It was gibberish when we first heard it, and as time goes on it's taking on more and more meaning, while also letting us know where to focus our attention.


The Shanghai operation was another one--we had no idea what happened, but it certainly led us in the right direction. Check out the people that Obama pardoned on Jan. 21st, the same day the nuclear deal was signed--you'll find that some of them were involved with providing Iran with the tools needed to refine uranium for weapons. Dig into those names, and you'll find connections to Shanghai companies. They popped out to me immediately, because we'd been pointed in a particular direction.


I have no doubt that we'll get the full story on these operations in the future. In my opinion, the growth of our movement is purposely growing at a slow, steady rate that could easily be much higher. Why not blow it up? Maybe it has something to do with catching a dangerous animal--you don't want to draw its attention to those laying the trap on the path ahead.


From the beginning, we have been told to gather the posts and make note of the proofs. Many of those proofs have been tenuous at bet, but taken as a whole, there's something there. I believe, as time goes on, POTUS will declassify more and more, to the point that Q will be undeniable. As that happens, people will flock here and get the whole story. But it will be on the Plan's time, not ours.