Anonymous ID: 276467 Sept. 3, 2018, 4:44 a.m. No.2857200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7242

Eye'm experimenting sum techmacull differkultees ryte meow but…

Got some more fun sauce for the Snowdon files to sprinkle back in…

I forgot how friggin wild this got!! This one is juicy folks…

Here's the obituary were you get some funny stories… :) How's Russia??


Here's a link that kind of explains how the connections of one of his offerspring ties into the Royal Family, which if any part of this Snowdon character is indeed related to David Hogg, would then verify a direct connection as a Royal Half-ling…


Here's a link where one of his children talks about living the life of daughter of Lord Snowdon… Don't enter the room when the red lights on… Also, you will hear names such as the ever-so-lovable Tom Cruise >: /


This one I totally forgot about… Huge connection!! So, this Lucy Lindsay Hogg lady was a Davies… product of a love child between Marion Davies and william randolph hearst… The Newspaper tycoon… As in Hearst Mansion… The inspiration for Citizen Kane… That would be the same Orson Welles as the one who fathered Michael Lindsay Hogg… This one is WILD!!

Anonymous ID: 276467 Sept. 3, 2018, 5 a.m. No.2857242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7269 >>7296


I have to revisit that last one… Sorry… It's been awhile… I can't remember why if I can verify that Davies to Davies connection or not, but this may be another one of those hidden kid things… When you get into the Hearst tale, it's one big orgy… but feel free to explore how crazy the similarities get… Also worth noting that these were elites who owned the press, so It probably wouldn't be hard to hide someone if they had to… and yeah, there's scandal in the Royal Family… That's far from news… Those people are freaks!!


Here's a link to some moar pictures of Lord Snowdon… to compare with Hogg… Too many coincidences… Looks are just the tip of the iceburg…

Anonymous ID: 276467 Sept. 3, 2018, 5:13 a.m. No.2857300   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Now I think I remember how I reached my conclusions about the Davies connection…

I found a name which gave me her father, but no name on the mom… No date of death for the Father?? Yet, this thing was updated in May of this year… damage control?? I have to reread my own thread this is so confusing, but I'll get back with more sauce, soon!!

Anonymous ID: 276467 Sept. 3, 2018, 6 a.m. No.2857531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7556


WEEEEEEZ the Juice!!

Okay, I have to build off the some things that were said in last bread, but knowing what we know about Snowdon, it's safe to assume that this Michael Lindsay Hogg is not related to David… but here we have a bastard son of Orson Welles that was speculated upon, timeline fits, location fits, and it was verified by Gloria Vanderbilt… I bring this up to establish the connection, once again with William Randolp Hearst, the newspaper tycoon, who had an affair with Marion Davies… possibly covered up a child who then married the illegitimate son of Orson Welles…


Here, I bring in the case of Polly Fry, who had to take this all the way to a DNA test, which was indeed verified, however, she still got shafted by Snowdon, IMHO…


Here I bring in the case of the bike, just for fun :)


This is to remind everyone about who Princess Margret reeeeeally was… burning Princess Dianna's letters to her Grandma…


However it should be stated that they Royal Family tended to take Snowdon's side over Margret's… They kept in touch with Lord Snowdon even after the divorce, which makes me believe he is an asset to them of some sort… It's a clown show for sure… Too many connections to ignore :)

Anonymous ID: 276467 Sept. 3, 2018, 6:04 a.m. No.2857544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7562


I like you, fren!! I try to get people to pay attention to these guys everyday!! These things are going to be really important, soon… National Preparedness Month… This is one of those things that falls in the "You have more than you know!!" category!! Most people will scroll past, but this stuff is very relevant to Q's post about the clowns skewing info in every position of authority they possibly can!!

Anonymous ID: 276467 Sept. 3, 2018, 6:18 a.m. No.2857603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7636 >>7652


I don't think I ever found a picture of the son that was born in 1998… Thank You for seeing the connection!! It truly helped make my day!! I've been trying to shed light on this one for about 2 months now on twittah… I can feel people's confusing looks at they try to process what it is I'm pointing out… Normies… I swear… >: /

Anonymous ID: 276467 Sept. 3, 2018, 6:46 a.m. No.2857727   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sweet!! Great find!! I know personally I was overwhelmed at the time, chasing down all the leads… Pop culture may be my weakest suit…




Yeah :) The very first pic I saw, had me at, holy cow!! ESpecially if the side leads pan out, too!! This could be a whopper!! I know the UK Anons are gonna have some fun with this one!!


So this Davies may be a stretch, but worth noting that she did inherit a decent chunk of fortune from Hearst, and the timeline would essentially play out if Marion had a son, who later had Lucy… The timeline plays out perfect for an affair between Snowdon and Lucy Hogg for a possible hidden child that would go along with approximate birth time of David's father… It's deep!!