Anonymous ID: 3714ab Sept. 3, 2018, 6:18 a.m. No.2857602   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Follow me on the song


It's 80s style, yes? We have no way of knowing if they are old/young/etc, Bc they wear masks and cloaks.


Anyway, I'm going to assume these are dudes who were teens/early 20s in the 80s due to the interest in this style of music and not others. Again, assuming.


So, this leads me to Qs crumb - OP specialists listening to this before an event last night.


Don't people typically listen to hype music that they either have good memories associated with / is from their "generation?"


Are we looking at op specialists in their late 40s? Would operators in this specific age group have tactical or military experience that younger would not?


t. Heavily caffeinated am shift