>Five freaking days. They made folks sit through that for five freaking days.
Just wait for the upcoming canonization of saints Hillary and Obama. Bring your own barf bag, and better make it a jumbo size!
Q has clearly stated (some) truth can't be revealed because of reasons. Applying some logic: If noname had to be given an emperor's state funeral and a place in history books as the greatest American hero who ever lived, then I don't think we can expect much truth to come out about anything. Certainly not about Hillary and Obama. Too many boats would be rocked by coming clean on that stuff.
This operation is good as far as it goes, but it seems fresh lies will simply be piled on top of old lies in history books to come, to avoid upsetting the existing world order - a fraudulent order created by traitorous criminals who will now go to history as heroes. That't the foundation we will build the future on.
I'm extremely disappointed.