Anonymous ID: 3f5a83 Sept. 3, 2018, 7:51 a.m. No.2858170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8185 >>8193 >>8194 >>8204 >>8206 >>8210 >>8301 >>8311

Do you realize what you just witnessed?


NONAME accepted self imposed death in return for the protection of his family and his legacy. The 'trial' was first suggested when Trump made the comment about NONAME not being a hero. Trump knew even then that NONAME would eventually have to be dealt with. WHY? Because NONAME was doing everything he could to undermine Trump.

Logically, NONAME was attempting to secure the presidency for HRC. He failed.

Ask yourself why it was so important for NONAME to back the Free Syrian Army.

Ask yourself how the FSA received resupplies of weapons.

Ask yourself who were the American advisors on the ground.

Ask yourself why the media was in lockstep with the 'Assad must go' narrative.

Ask yourself why Turkey is in freefall now that Syria (and Russia and the Iranian Revolutionary a guard and Hezbollah) has put down the 'coup'.

Ask yourself why GWB, WJC, BHO, et al were in attendance at NONAME's funeral and POTUS wasn't. Could it be they remain on different sides?


POTUS does not have total control of the Executive branch.

Why are we primarily focusing on DOJ & FBI?

Why has the C_A been relatively unscathed?

Why do so many people assume the 'rank and file' within these departments are patriotic and honorable?

What proof do we have of this loyalty?


The Department of Justice has its finger in the dam. They protect the 'institutions'. The same institutions that attempted a coup.


You had better prepare yourself for impeachment and if the Democrat party fails to take the House you had better prepare for worse.

Anonymous ID: 3f5a83 Sept. 3, 2018, 7:58 a.m. No.2858232   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The sentence was dictated to him.

Look up the date his 'cancer' was announced.

That is when the sentence went down.

But, you are correct. Self imposed was the wrong phrase. He was allowed to administer, or have administered his 'poison' yet the sentence came from above.