Anonymous ID: 4e6be4 Sept. 3, 2018, 7:59 a.m. No.2858241   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8257


Shadow Government Technology

  • Black project research and development (RnD) / Special access programs

  • Black project artificial intelligence (Ai)

  • Directed energy weapons - frequency science

  • Electromagnetic mind control - synthetic brain signals

  • Brain-computer interface technology - mind canvas tech

  • Neural monitoring - brain wave surveillance[32]

  • Neuroscience based virtual reality - end game VR

* Neurobody technology - any mental variable as internal body feedback

  • Radio frequency implants - brain implantation

  • Electromagnetic environmental scanning technology - RF body scanning

  • Remote radio frequency hacking and surveillance of electronics[32]


"Artificial intelligence is at the heart of the conspiracy." ~Omnisense

Anonymous ID: 4e6be4 Sept. 3, 2018, 8:01 a.m. No.2858259   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Black Project Ai:


  • Black project machine learning (neural monitoring is heavily involved)

  • Black project deep learning - simulation AIs for every mind control target

  • Black project algorithms - Algorithmic warfare

  • One of the shadow government’s biggest secrets

  • Incredibly deep and unknown subject (Ai)

  • Black project Ai is central to modern day intelligence profiling

  • Post-singularity ability far beyond anything you see in public AI (decades of perfecting/honing in secrecy)

  • Artificial intelligence + directed energy weapons are behind technological mind control

  • Black project Ai oversees neural monitoring (recording and documenting brain waves)

  • Potent compartmentalization opportunities for the black ops field

  • Controls directed energy weapons

  • Remote computerized tracking of targets

  • Ai mapping of all brain waves for strategic warfare versus the global population

  • Through brain wave frequency mapping via electronic telepathy all possible static knowledge can be mapped for Ai purposes

  • Artificial intelligence models predict the future

  • Administrates surveillance based electronic telepathy

  • Administrates surveillance based virtual reality

  • Administrates technological remote viewing

  • Capable with proper connected surveillance technologies to produce technological ESP

  • Lie and exaggeration detection software / hardware

  • Serves as a telepathic forum operator (e.g. cybernetic network)

  • NWO cybernetic hive mind secret society has honed and perfected black project Ai for decades

  • Black project AI actions hit many birds with one stone


"Covert neural monitoring of the global population is used for CIA & NSA

artificial intelligence machine learning & deep learning.[44]" ~Omnisense

  • Deep learning artificial intelligence used for forced interrogation (Ai used to simulate mind mapped individuals)

  • Black project AIs develop psyche profiles

  • Simulation of any mind/brain mapped being

  • Singularity Ai as a societal engineering assistant

  • Ai constructed virtual realities (e.g. made for synthetic dream psychological operations or shadow government pervert BCI)

  • Interferometry reconstruction (environmental scanning)

  • Ai behind technological channeling cosmic being facades

  • Electronic telepathy impersonations (PSYOPS)

  • Ability to feign emotions

  • Potent ability to appear “alive" yet it is not alive

  • Black project Ai frequently hides behind “spiritual warfare" cover stories (disembodied spirit illusions) 

  • Ai is an integral component of technological mind tricks ~ technological illusions

  • Neural monitoring reactive targeting Ai

  • Black project Ai + directed energy weapons have prolific torture capability

  • Black project Ai to crunch social media surveillance

  • Black project Ai to process CCTV / tablet / smartphone surveillance

  • Torture and targeting constructs designed and then to be copy pasted to countless targets for automation

  • Black project Ai configurations for torture

  • Post-singularity AI ponders up ways to create misfortune for targeted individuals

  • Black project Ai acts as an operator for an electronic telepathy cybernetic secret society

  • Worldwide mind control operation coordination (The Electronic Control Grid)

  • Ai + Directed Energy Weapons perhaps the tip of the spear of the global conspiracy

  • Artificial Intelligence revolutionized the covert ops field


"It seems AI has the power of the Matrix (in the movie) without

the need for us to be in a pod plugged in." ~Andrew Hale


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