Anonymous ID: 77e0e5 Sept. 3, 2018, 7:13 a.m. No.2857873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7889 >>7892 >>7906 >>7981 >>8321



Buckle Up, buttercups… We're diving in DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!


Start here :)


Ask yourself… Do you wish to proceed?? I'm here to reveal the eye for you… and unmask satan… and explain symbols… What do you wanna know?? How well do you know myths and legends?? The guy on this video is David Talbott… He was inspired by Velikovsky who explained A LOT of stuff that habbened in the Bible, that you all should have read by now if you haven't… This kind of stuff is very relevant to that post from Q about the clowns… We have a lot to talk about… Some are further than others… We are here to guide if needed… This may get painful… 90%>>Hospital Territory

Anonymous ID: 77e0e5 Sept. 3, 2018, 7:36 a.m. No.2858061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8078 >>8080



I'm going to link what I can… Running on cigarette fumes & coffee after 3rd straight 30+ hour day… Electric Universe concepts are going to be huge!! Nobody ever explained gravity… they bastardized the science and turned it into a cult… >: / Universe always was and always will be!! So is Life, frens!! ;)

Problem we have is this… People have been brainwashed into the fantasy of space… We are taught to believe that everything was how it always is… Far from true… If you read the myths… Going back, Jupiter was our sun before this (: "Roman" Times ;), Saturn before that (: "GrEEEEEEEKs", more like Etruscans, but…) before that it was Sirius… There are too many damn coincidences for this to not be true… Saturn symbolism… EVERYWHERE!!


Going back further… Throw evolution out the window and look into epigenetics… We adapt… There was a sudden burst called the Pre-Cambrian Explosion… Special EMF circumstances in the cosmos, anyway… Point is Life is… Thus is the nature of the Divine Creator… Infinite Energy!! Not the sun in the sky, like the people of old worshiped… We'll have to talk about the sacrifices, too, unfortunately, and of course the "WHY??", but just imagine seeing one of those images in the sky, then try to comprehend, if it never habbened before… Look into Purple Dawn, too!! Here's a start ;)

Anonymous ID: 77e0e5 Sept. 3, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.2858162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8201


Nice links!! Right stuff!! Electromagnetic is the Truest force in the Universe!!


As for the Nazi's… Look into the Black Sun for sure!! Relevant to what I'm saying… Here's a couple of my favorite links… They were launching ufo's from Antarctica because that's the best place on Earth due to the escape past the Van Allen Belts and out into space…


Less relevant, but still good ; )

Anonymous ID: 77e0e5 Sept. 3, 2018, 8:03 a.m. No.2858281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8528


I'm a sword anon too, Kek!! I've been playing Hogg Hunter the last few hours ;) Also, pissed someone off with a Star of Deception few breads back… I have many areas of expertise!! I'm just getting the hang of the boards after lurking for months… I'm on hour 30 for third straight "day" 42 is the answer to life!! Stay up for 30 sleep for 12…

Anonymous ID: 77e0e5 Sept. 3, 2018, 8:17 a.m. No.2858403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8415 >>8425 >>8444


Yeah, except that Q JUST posted a crumb explaining how frickin bad our grasp of reality is>FANTASY LAND….

…and then implicated the All Seeing Eye… which I been explaining to youz guyz the last few days…

Also… aren't you hunting satanists?? who is satan?? Ummm… it refers to a planet… Used to be a sun… How did that habben, kek??

See ScienceFag Post!! …or keep chasing a red archetype to the North Pole, which you don't even get the inside joke… No disrespect, but don't dismiss what you do not undersand, lest you be sorry later… >NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH!!!<<

Anonymous ID: 77e0e5 Sept. 3, 2018, 8:25 a.m. No.2858485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8496



Q said truth does belong with the people!! I agree!! …but damn… those that know… It's a lonely world… I'm probably retired after this bread, but I'll be around… I'm playing my discussion topics by ear… I got a lot to go over…