Anonymous ID: f541da Sept. 3, 2018, 6:55 a.m. No.2857777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7784 >>7842 >>7895


Hanks knows a lot… which is why he was tapped for the movie 'Knowing'.


interesting, Steven Greer was saying virtually the same thing at his CSETI outings about 10 years ago (reptilians would be coming out of the sky from Orion around this time…).

Anonymous ID: f541da Sept. 3, 2018, 7 a.m. No.2857806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7843 >>7851 >>7870 >>7873 >>7988 >>8184 >>8466


from end of pb, insight from a 2009 satanic text on how they view abortion:




"The Rites of Moloch" from Liber Sitra Ahra (pt 2)

The ritual is set in a forest area. This is not a sacrificial group, for

the Rites of Moloch are often performed with an audience. The

grounds for this sacrifice are used only one time, and after the

ritual the grounds are soaked in goat urine and blood and set on


The dirt will forever be cursed.

In the center of the clearing will be a table. This table will contain

metal straps to hold down a baptized baby, and drawn with chalk is

the sigil and number for Moloch.


The participants must chant the following prayer, head help up

with arms extended.

The mother whom gave us life gave us death to show us life

Life, which is hidden, life that is death

And every child that dies returns in her arms

Hail abortions and hail the murder of children

Return the innocent to their rightful mother

Mother Lilith, lord of abortions

Mother Lilith, goddess of chaos

Mother Lilith, the great whore and norturer

Hail Dark Mother Lilith

The audience now hums in unisynch. The hums start out low and

get louder and continue at five second intervals with a two second

pause between each one.

The magician now enters, he holds the child to be sacrificed. Upon

the child’s chest is the sigil of Sitra Ahra drawn in goat blood. The

sigil of Lilith is drawn on his head used with menstrual blood.

The child is then placed onto the table crying out. The magician

extends his arms and all are silent.

The magician speaks.

Tonight we should our dedication and gratitude. Tonight we show

that we to are above right and wrong. Tonight we personifie the

wrathful gods of Azerate and become LPDLS. Tonight we feed this


child to the bloodthirsty and in exchange harvest power and

knowledge bestowed upon us from the land of shells.


MAGICIAN: This child is the ultimate symbol of innocence, te

symbol of the future, and how dare Tetragrammatron try to steal

this soul from us, I say tonight we return this child to the arms of

our loving mother

ALL:Hail Lilith!

MAGICIAN: I return this child now to Sitra Ahra. HAIL SATAN!

ALL: Hail Satan!

Now the magician sets the child on fire by dousing it in oils and

then lighting it. The crowd meditates and stares into the flames.

The Ritual is complete

Anonymous ID: f541da Sept. 3, 2018, 7:10 a.m. No.2857855   🗄️.is 🔗kun


what stood out most to me in that pdf was the idea that Micha (Michael) Harare (Harari) of the Mossad, so well known to 9/11 researchers as one of the procurers of the explosives for the Towers, was also chums with Ollie North and Armiatage and the whole cast of characters from Iran Contra.


TL;DR the Iran-Contra cabal was also largely the cabal that did 9/11.


and if you look further into Harare, you see he was heavy into the Vietnam War heroin trade, he was buds with the old president of South Vietnam Mr Nguyen Van Thieu, had a house in downtown Saigon for some time, etc.


Oddly enough, the Vietnamese intelligence services today insist that baby BHO was in Saigon as an infant with mama Dunham. But I digress…

Anonymous ID: f541da Sept. 3, 2018, 7:15 a.m. No.2857892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8061


I'm sure many of us veterans here can take whatever information you have to share, FellowAnon. For our own part, we've been sharing what we know; it would be appreciated if you would do the same.


Off the top of my head, the symbol in the Talbott book in your attached photo reminds me of the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Obviously Kubrick knew a whole lot and shared things where he could.

Anonymous ID: f541da Sept. 3, 2018, 7:45 a.m. No.2858126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8184 >>8466


there's a reason, an infernal reason, why satanists invoke Lilith as the 'lord of abortions' when they murder a baptized baby.


to say satanism and abortion aren't linked is sheer folly.

Anonymous ID: f541da Sept. 3, 2018, 7:56 a.m. No.2858222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8228 >>8241 >>8259 >>8357


yes, I think the weaponized mycoplasma is related to the chemtrails too. Also the Morgellon's and so-called 'black goo' related diseases.


Many of those who have been fighting the good fight over the past 30+ years have been targeted with these diseases. Many have fallen on the battlefield.

Anonymous ID: f541da Sept. 3, 2018, 8:10 a.m. No.2858342   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I haven't visited Avalon in over a year but once in a while something useful would turn up there… Bill & Kerry, for all their human foibles, did help wake a lot of people up 10-12 years ago or so.